Monday, March 23, 2009

Question the Answer

I am a red thinker.

I don't mean in some Lenninist fascin, it is the result of taking the 'Smart Skills' personal evaluation.

Red thinkers are categorized by attention to detail and desire for data. We don't mention the pocket protectors or the tape around glasses, but it's strongly implied.

As a result of my attention to detail I'm a grammar geek. I try to make this a public service by pointing out when people are incorrect as often as possible. I do this as an adult because it's impolite to give wedgies in the office environment.

I'm not bitter that bullying went out of style AFTER I graduated public school. Hmmph.

One way I'm hurtfully helpful is I try to ask questions that require a yes or a no answer. It's partly for efficiency as I don't really want to hear what other people think, and partly that I doubt the average persons ability to succeed at anything harder than true or false tests.

I also answer the questions asked, but this often bothers folks. I have had to adjust my retorts to respond to the question asked and the one intended. In other words I'm a moist grammar checker.

A difficulty from this behavior, aside from social shunning and threats against my person, is that I often receive the benefit of someone else's half baked guess at what my true question was.

This defeats the purpose. I used to try to correct them, but now I just make it a game. I call it "Question the Answer".

It's like Jeopardy without money or fame amongst the over 60 crowd. I simply ask the question that would provide the answer I was just given. I tried this on a co-worker this week and had to stop myself so I didn't get hurt, either from him or from my own laughter.

Me: Will your project be done this week?
Him: It's not a matter of finishing it, it's a matter of getting the specifications right.
Me: What is the matter with the project?
Him: Nothing is wrong with it, I'm just working on cosmetic details.
Me: Are you working on cosmetics generally, or just the fine detail work?
Him: All I need is to get the interface to work fluidly with that guy's back end.
Me: Is there anything you want to tell me about your love life?

Yeah, it's a hoot. Try it sometime when you have nothing between you and a quick exit.

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