Thursday, February 18, 2016

Kids nowadays...

I have strong opinions on the younger generation.  I also have an opinion on opinions, that they are the substitution of feelings for facts.  Since my opinions are fact based they are in my opinion a matter of fact.

As for the youth of today:  They are the best.  They live in a time of less bullying, stereotypes and discrimination than ever in human history.  They are more intelligent, world aware and have better fashion sense.  Those who protest that please rewatch Grease or Bill & Ted's excellent adventure.

When "gale force hairspray", pastels and Jackson Pollack were the unholy trinity of fashion
I do have confirmation bias.  If the next generation is better than the last then it is due to the parenting.  I understand why people may lament the youth of today, they do have it easier.  That is a good thing, unless you are into the Ann Rand school of parenting where child labour is finally making use of that 20% of the healthy lazy population.
Colourized historical photo of Baby Boomer childhood.
Also kids nowadays do share their ignorance so they look stupid.  All the dumb things we used to ask in hallways ("He said what about my Ocean Pacific T-shirt!?"), the locker room ("Does deodorant really prevent underarm hair!?  Best not wear any in the off chance..."), to sleepovers ("How is babby formed / how girl get pragnent?") is now on social media.

In an effort to both educate my children on the bad old days and to solve the "their life is too easy" problem I once in a while subject them to old music videos.  Most don't hold up over time (I'm looking at you 'Jesus Jones') but a few are neat to re-watch and sing to.  By a few I mean one.  "Take on Me" by Aha.

I was stepping through significant moments of rap when I thought they should see what "Ice Ice Baby" was all about.  About 2 minutes into the tragedy of rat-tails, loose pants and stride dancing we stopped, collaborated and listened to each other:

Me:  "Would you believe I tried to dance like that in grade 9?"
14 yr old:  "You had that haircut in your yearbook..."
Me:  "Yeah..."
14 yr old:  "But you didn't look as cool as him."

Both white, awkward, and going through a phase.  Honestly I'd have looked better with the bling.

I have almost forgiven her for that statement.  I have almost grown back the skin from that GODAWFUL BURN.  That is one thing kids today don't know:  that fear that should come from provoking the wrath of the parent.  Maybe I should get some parachute pants and that haircut back and then hammer-slide to her high school to pick her up...

Kids nowadays...