Thursday, May 1, 2008

Writer's block

Ok, I admit it. I have writer's block. With a blog. That's almost as pathetic as blessing a pet when it sneezes.

I've been really busy lately balancing work, work, directing, parenting, being a husband and other related duties. Maybe balancing is the wrong word. Capsizing, floundering, flailing, you get the idea.

Anyway, I'm busy. And so trying to be witty and funny, both heroic achievements for me at the best of times, are more like a cross-eyed maladroit trying brain surgery with a spatula. If you have any flapping idea what that means let me know. And when I try to be funny I tend to be insulting. So I just avoid loosing respect that way. I want to use the way I dress to achieve that.

And yes, today my shirt was set to "Stun". I love Hawaiian shirt day.

So here I am posting about how busy I am. The fact is, this week has been like a dream. Not a good dream, like secretly developing the ability to fly and see through clothing of only good looking people of the opposite sex, but the sort of dream you have where you suspect it's real, but you know it's not. Only since the week was LIKE a dream, it's the other way around.

Maybe I should just focus on the x-ray vision.

X-ray vision has to be the worst super power ever. If it only worked on dead material, you would be forced to deal with the percent of the world's population that is not appealing naked. Let me break that down for you:
~50% Not the gender you want
~18% Illegally young
~20% Disturbingly old
~20% Just out and out better with clothes ON.
That leaves... no one. Imagine having a conversation with the 5 people you see every day. Now imagine that conversation with you being the only one clothed. Eww. Now imagine it on a bus, or a boat, or in a stiff breeze, or the air conditioning is on, or a hot day, or, ok I'll stop.

So my thesis is this: Clothes are good for society. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ken, just so you know, I think I might agree with the X-Ray vision... Now. As in my current status and age.

    However, if I was still 16, I would be ecstatic!
