Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Why I've missed a week

I try to blog every other day. A nice waste of 15 minutes of my day. I won't try to make up for the hour I've missed this past week. I have 2 very good reasons for that:

The first was I had my older sister and her family visiting. This was great, short enough that we didn't fight, which I'm sure we could pick up on after (augh!) 15 years living in different municipalities. Her daughters/my neices are precious and precocious. I had great talks (and drinks) with my near genius older brother in law. So yeah, no time for blogging then.

The second is I'm sick. Too healthy to miss work, sick enough to feel miserable. Borderline fever, my shoulders feel like they've been caned, my head hurts, my throat is raw, and my sinuses are clogged. But that isn't bad compared to the fact I can smell my own snot.

That isn't as cool or appealing as it sounds. The effervescence of mucus, embedded in my olfactory sense like a frikkin organic glade plugin, is awful. My only escape is very hot food. The kind that calls for a chaser of chloroform. The requirement is the liquefying of everything in my eyes, ears, nose and mouth. A fine dinner of cayenne, garnished with a box of kleenex. Mmmmm.

By the way, I'm not feeling any better. I just wanted to make you suffer through those descriptions.

1 comment:

  1. hope you're feeling better soon. I'm glad Kim informed me of your blog. Good to hear from you. (don't know why this comment says from ed and jenna... it's just jenna, ed doesn't take time for this stuff)
